

265 2023-08-09 16:29 admin






  • 高效过滤:商用洗碗机吸气罩采用高效过滤材料,能够有效去除油烟和异味,净化厨房空气。
  • 安全可靠:吸气罩的设计考虑到火灾安全因素,能有效避免火灾的发生。吸气罩配备了防火系统,一旦发生火灾,可以迅速扑灭火源。
  • 易于清洁:商用洗碗机吸气罩的外壳采用不锈钢材质,不仅美观耐用,而且易于清洁,再也不用担心清洗困难的问题。
  • 节能环保:吸气罩采用节能技术,能够有效降低能源消耗,减少环境污染。



  1. 适用尺寸:洗碗机吸气罩应与洗碗机的大小相匹配,确保完全覆盖洗碗机工作区域。
  2. 过滤效果:了解吸气罩的过滤效果,选择具有高效过滤能力的产品。
  3. 安全性能:确认吸气罩具备防火系统,并满足安全标准要求。
  4. 品牌信誉:选择知名品牌的商用洗碗机吸气罩,品质有保障,售后服务更放心。


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Commercial dishwasher hood plays a crucial role in the food service industry. It not only helps restaurants maintain cleanliness and hygiene, but also effectively reduces the risk of oil fume pollution and fire hazards. This article will introduce the functions, features, and key points to consider when choosing a commercial dishwasher hood.


The main purpose of a commercial dishwasher hood is to remove the oil fumes and odors generated by the dishwasher. As the busy hours of a restaurant arrive, the frequency of dishwasher usage also increases significantly. Without a proper hood, the oil fumes produced by the dishwasher will fill the entire kitchen, affecting not only the working environment of chefs but also increasing the risk of fire. A commercial dishwasher hood can effectively absorb oil fumes, keep the kitchen air fresh, and create a good working environment.


Commercial dishwasher hoods have several key features:

  • Efficient filtration: Commercial dishwasher hoods are equipped with high-efficiency filtering materials that effectively remove oil fumes and odors, purifying the kitchen air.
  • Safety and reliability: The design of the hood takes fire safety into consideration, effectively preventing the occurrence of fires. The hood is equipped with a fire suppression system that can quickly extinguish the flames in case of a fire.
  • Easy to clean: The exterior of commercial dishwasher hoods is made of stainless steel, which is not only durable but also easy to clean. No more worrying about difficult cleaning tasks.
  • Energy-saving and environmentally friendly: The hood adopts energy-saving technology, effectively reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental pollution.

Key Points to Consider

When choosing a commercial dishwasher hood, it is important to consider the following points:

  1. Appropriate size: The dishwasher hood should match the size of the dishwasher to ensure complete coverage of the dishwasher work area.
  2. Filtration efficiency: Understand the filtration efficiency of the hood and choose a product with high filtration capability.
  3. Safety performance: Confirm that the hood is equipped with a fire suppression system and meets safety standards.
  4. Brand reputation: Choose a well-known brand of commercial dishwasher hoods for guaranteed quality and more reliable after-sales service.

In conclusion, commercial dishwasher hoods are essential equipment in the food service industry. They effectively filter oil fumes and odors, keep the kitchen air fresh, and provide a good working environment. When choosing a hood, it is important to consider factors such as appropriate size, filtration efficiency, safety performance, and brand reputation. Choosing the right commercial dishwasher hood will bring convenience and safety to restaurant operations and employees' work.

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